BJD Sales

Order Instructions



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Model (Lionel) Trains

Books about Trains

WWII Replicas

Military Items

Books about WWII


S/H to Locations Outside the USA: Our S/H rates are set up for USA shipments. Contact me if additional postage is needed.

To Order an Item:                                                         
Click the "Add to Cart" button next to the item.

To View your Selected Items:                              
Click ANY "View Cart" buttons.

To Checkout:
ANY "View Cart" button will take you to the review order screen.
Check your order, then click on the Checkout button.

About Checkout:
The Checkout screen defaults to Paypal.
Just click on the cash, check or M.O. checkbox to use Cash (risky) Check or Money Order.

Texas Sales Tax:
If you are a Texas resident we must collect 8.25% Sales Tax.
Please uncheck the Tax Certification Box.

Payment Types:
Credit Card:
We accept these and process them through PayPal. A 3% Paypal surcharge is added at Checkout.

Check or Money Order:
As soon as you place your order we will send you a confirmation e-mail with mailing instructions.

Paypal from your Funds or Checking Account:
Check out as if you are using Check or Money Order.
As soon as you place your order we will send you a confirmation e-mail.
Go to PayPal and use "Send Money" to pay the Total-Cost amount. 
Use the PayPal comments section to indicate that you did this.

Checks will have a 5 Business Day Clearing Delay upon our Receipt. Our NSF  Charge is $30.

We will Respond to any e-Mails as Quickly as Possible, Especially to Acknowledge Receipt of Payment. The Only Time our Response may be Delayed is when we do not have Quick Access to a PC.



We strive to offer desirable items in new or excellent condition and our Customers have been very pleased.
You can validate this by reviewing our eBay feedback( user id = bjdsales )

Our shopping cart is set up for several payment types.  
Credit Cards are accepted through Paypal.
Use the "Add to Cart" and "View Cart/Checkout" buttons. 


Click a Pic to see our products !


Model (Lionel) Trains


Books about Trains


WWII Replicas


Military Items


Books about WWII



Copyright BJD Sales-2016